Yes, we can validate a DropDownList by RequiredFieldValidator. To perform this validation, we have to set the InitialValue property of RequiredFieldValidator control.
The Response.Write() method allows you to write the normal output; whereas, the Response.Output.Write() method allows you to write the formatted output.
In singleton pattern, a class can only have one instance and provides access point to it globally.Eg:[csharp]Public sealed class Singleton{Private static readonly Singleton _instance =...
Modifiers in C# are keywords that define the accessibility, behavior, and scope of classes, methods, fields, properties, and other members. They determine how a class...
Delegates are same are function pointers in C++ but the only difference is that they are type safe unlike function pointers. Delegates are required because...
Exceptions are critical in C# and .NET for handling errors and ensuring robust application performance. When an error occurs, exceptions provide detailed information that helps...
Generics and Delegates are key features in C# .NET that improve flexibility, reusability, and maintainability of code. These concepts are also heavily used in .NET...
Using Clone() method, we creates a new array object containing all the elements in the original array and using CopyTo() method, all the elements of...
Differences Between System.String and System.Text.StringBuilder Classes in .NET and .NET Core In both .NET and .NET Core, you often work with strings when developing applications....